The Challenge of Delirium in Persons with Dementia: A Person-Centered Approach
A Person-centred Approach To Assessment and Management
Participants will understand how to assess and manage delirium and delirium superimposed on dementia, will identify challenges and facilitators in their own practice setting to improve care for persons with dementia and delirium and will describe components of age friendly care.
- Overview of delirium and delirium superimposed on dementia significance and outcomes
- Assessment challenges in practice
- Description and data from the READI pilot and ultra-brief two-item tool
- Lessons learned from studies on DSD
- Best practices for prevention and management of delirium
- Future work and the Age Friendly Initiative

Professor Donna Fick
Dr. Fick is the Elouise Ross Eberly Endowed Professor of Nursing and Director of the Penn State Center for Geriatric Nursing Excellence.She is a member of the interdisciplinary panel for the American Geriatrics Society Beers Criteria (AGS) for inappropriate medication use in older adults, and serves on their board. She also serves as an expert faculty member for the Age Friendly Health System Initiative funded by the John A. Hartford Foundation. Her current NIH funded study is with Edward Marcantonio, MD with the Harvard School of Medicine that is testing an ultra-brief screening tool for delirium and is the mentor co-leader for an international Delirium network, NIDUS. Dr. Fick widely disseminates her work through over 100 publications, media coverage, and national and international presentations.