Health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples living with dementia attending primary care
Let’s CHAT Dementia Webinar Series – Webinar 3 (of 6)
Join Harry Douglas and Associate Professor Dina LoGiudice as they discuss high-quality care for older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have been diagnosed with dementia and who attend primary care. Follow the story of Aunt Molly and her son Frank, and learn the key clinical and cultural elements of effective multidisciplinary models of care, including regular reviews and care plans to optimise her overall functioning and social and emotional wellbeing.
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- Describe best practice clinical and cultural aspects of care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples who have been diagnosed with dementia
- Learn about the progression of dementia
- Learn about the general health and dementia-specific care needs of a person living with dementia and how to incorporate support for these needs into everyday care management
- Understand the importance of a co-ordinated and holistic case management approach to the care of a person living with dementia
Harry Douglas
Indigenous Reference Group Co-ordinator and Aboriginal Research Officer, Victorian Aboriginal Health Service and Let’s CHAT Dementia ProjectHarold is a proud Gunnai man from South Eastern Victoria. He is a Research Officer on the Let’s CHAT Dementia project, an IRG (Indigenous Reference Group) Co-ordinator and also an Integrated Team Care Co-ordinator at the Victorian Aboriginal Health Service. Harry has worked as an Aged Care Consultant and Personal Care Assistant for 20 years and managed an activity group at the ACES (Aboriginal Community Elders’ Service) for a number of years – he was even the cook and gardener there for a while!
Associate Professor Dina LoGiudice
Geriatrician and Lead Investigator, Royal Melbourne Hospital, Victorian Aboriginal Health Service and Let’s CHAT Dementia ProjectAssociate Professor Dina LoGiudice is a clinical researcher from the Department of Medicine, Dentistry and Health Sciences at the University of Melbourne, and Geriatrician at Royal Melbourne Hospital and Victorian Aboriginal Health Service. Her research interests involve cognitive health and healthy ageing among Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities and those of diverse cultural backgrounds.
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