Sleep and Neurodegenerative Disease: Assessment and Management
This lecture will address the evidence linking sleep and circadian disturbance with cognitive impairment and neurodegenerative disease including mild cognitive impairment, Alzheimer’s disease, Parkinson’s disease and Dementia with Lewy Bodies.
It will cover practical ways to assess for sleep disturbance and the current optimal methods of treatment.

Professor Sharon Naismith
Clinical Neuropsychologist, NHMRC Dementia Leadership Fellow, Leonard P Ullman Chair in Psychology at the University of SydneyProfessor Naismith’s Her Healthy Brain Ageing Program focuses on modifiable risk factors and interventions for cognitive decline and dementia.
She has co-authored over 230 papers, and has been cited more than times. She is a Chief Investigator on grants totalling $27.5million including the national Australian Dementia Network and leads a new Centre of Research Excellence to optimise sleep in neurodegenerative disease.