Popular topics: Complex Needs
Multiple and complex needs are persistent, problematic and interrelated health and social care needs which impact on the person living with dementia
Browse our courses, modules, resources, articles and events tagged with: Complex Needs
Delirium Action Plan
Navigating Changed Behaviour in People Living with Dementia workshop
Navigating Changed Behaviour in People Living with Dementia is a 3-hour workshop for aged care staff on changed behaviour and improving the wellbeing of people with dementia.Event
Changed Behaviour Workshop
Building capacity in the aged care workforce to respond to changed behaviour in people living with dementia.Online course
Delirium is a serious medical condition producing sudden and often severe changes in a person’s mental function. A person typically has difficulty thinking clearly, maintaining focus or attention, and may appear confused or disorientated. Delirium needs to be recognised early and managed promptly.