Resources to Support the Care of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People Living with Dementia
Guest Lecture – Thursday 25 June, 2020
Older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are more likely to develop dementia, and experience barriers to accessing the supports and services they need, compared to other Australians.
To ensure we provide the best possible care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people living with dementia, we need to be able to; identify and support culturally safe care needs and practices, and be aware of the tools, co-designed with community, available to help us in achieving this goal.
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Presentation Slides
Presentation Slides - Caring for Spirit (Radford and Poulos) Presentation Slides – Good Spirit Good Life (Smith and Taylor) Post event Audience Q&APDF | File size: 27KBLearning Outcomes
- Understand the care needs and preferences for the rapidly growing population of older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, their families and communities.
- Identify priority areas for care and support that need to be addressed, including dementia literacy and culturally-appropriate tools to assess and support quality of life in aged care settings
- Discover new culturally-safe and evidence-based tools for supporting the wellbeing and care of older Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people, with a focus on the ‘Caring for Spirit’ dementia education resource and the ‘Good Spirit, Good Life’ quality of life resource.

Dr. Kylie Radford
Senior Research Scientist, Neuroscience Research Australia
Lauren Poulos
Project Coordinator, Neuroscience Research Australia
Dr. Kate Smith
Lecturer, Centre for Aboriginal Medical & Dental Health, UWA
Kevin Taylor
Lecturer, School of Indigenous Studies, UWAIMAGE CREDIT
Wurundjeri Elder with Smiling Man in Background, 2016, Gary Radler