Dementia Training Australia

Improving the health and wellbeing of people living with dementia
and the staff who support them.

Explore Focus Areas

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Allied Health Symposium

On Wednesday 14 May 2025, allied health professionals will come together in Adelaide to enhance the care of people living with dementia.

Australian Journal of Dementia Care

Australian Journal of Dementia Care

Published quarterly, the subscription-based journal is for all professional staff working with people with dementia across Australia.

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Your new destination for discovering high quality learning
opportunities for evidence-based dementia care.

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Explore Courses

Discover our most popular courses below or browse all courses.

This course is designed to provide easily accessible dementia care education for Volunteers who are supporting people living with dementia or experiencing memory and thinking problems.
This online course is designed for first responders to gain a better understanding of dementia including common symptoms and how dementia affects the brain and behaviour.
Increase your knowledge of caring for a person experiencing dementia-related changed behaviour and explore how people with dementia may express their needs through behaviour, rather than word.
Become culturally competent in caring for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/gender diverse and intersex (LGBTI) people with dementia.
Delirium is a serious medical condition producing sudden and often severe changes in a person’s mental function. A person typically has difficulty thinking clearly, maintaining focus or attention, and may appear confused or disorientated. Delirium needs to be recognised early and managed promptly.
Develop your knowledge about specific types of dementia and potential underlying changes in the brain.

Commissioned Training
for Organisations

Create your own training schedule, specifically designed to meet your organisation’s needs. We provide flexible training across Australia in a variety of lengths and formats.

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Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC)

We have partnered with Wicking Dementia Research and Education Centre to deliver intensive, tertiary-education level courses available for free online.

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Dementia Training Australia is supported by funding from the Australian Government under the Dementia Training Program