The Double Closet | LGBTI People and Dementia
Guest Lecture – Thursday 26 Nov 2020
Learn why LGBTI-inclusive dementia care is important and to identify the barriers to culturally safe care for LGBTI people living with dementia.
LGBTI elders have experienced a lifetime of discrimination and are very likely to avoid mentioning their identity to service providers, anticipating that disclosure will lead to poor service.
Dementia greatly complicates the picture as LGBTI people living with dementia are liable to lose the refined tools which have kept them safe, exposing them to heightened risks.
Meanwhile, care providers face their own cultural challenges as they grapple with ageist erotophobia, hetero-normativity and residual homophobia and transphobia, potentially effecting covert or inadvertent discrimination.
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Presentation Slides & Q&A
Presentation SlidesPDF | File size: 1.3 MB Post event Audience Q&APDF | File size: 33 KBLearning Outcomes
- Understand why LGBTI-inclusive dementia care is important
- Identify the barriers to culturally safe care for LGBTI people living with dementia
- Discover some examples of best-practice LGBTI-inclusive care

June Lowe
Former Chair/Advocate GRAI (GLBTI Rights in Ageing Inc)