Australian Journal of Dementia Care
The Australian Journal of Dementia Care (AJDC) is a quarterly publication committed to improving the quality of care provided for people living with dementia. AJDC is managed by Dementia Training Australia (DTA), on behalf of the publisher, the University of Wollongong (UOW).
Visit the AJDC websiteShowcasing good practice, the Australian Journal of Dementia Care keeps readers informed of developments in dementia care, training, research and technology, as well as the latest resources, events, news and views.
- Showcasing good practice
- Care strategies, news, views, resources, research and more
- Closing the gap between dementia care research and practice
Grounded firmly in practice, the AJDC provides relevant, high-quality and well-researched articles with solutions for dementia care settings. These articles are written by practitioners, researchers and other experts in the field of dementia care from Australia and around the world.
There is a strong emphasis on ‘knowledge translation’, which closes the gap between dementia care research and practice.
The AJDC is published by UOW and managed by DTA. The Editorial Team is based at UOW, in the offices of DTA. The team is committed to supporting early-career dementia researchers to build their skills and share their work; including the voices of people living with dementia and those who provide support and care.