Dementia Knowledge to Action Program Become a guide who can lead, coach, and influence within your care setting. Online and face to face learning, mentor support and ongoing endorsement with DTA available. Free in all states and territories.
Dementia Discovery Are you new to dementia care? Online short courses designed to increase your knowledge about dementia with tips on 'where to next' for training and resources. Free to study.
Video Watch the Webinar: Delivering safe and accessible care for survivors of psychologically traumatic events
Video Planning, decision making and end-of-life care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with dementia attending primary care
Video The health and wellbeing of carers of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples with cognitive impairment and dementia
Video Watch the Health prevention and promotion for cognitive impairment and dementia in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples attending primary care webinar
Video Health care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples living with dementia attending primary care
Video Detection of cognitive impairment and dementia in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples attending primary care
Video Best practice cognitive impairment and dementia care for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples attending primary care