National Dementia Education and Training Standards Framework

About the Framework

The Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care (DoHAC) has engaged Dementia Training Australia to develop the National Dementia Education and Training Standards Framework.

The Standards Framework will provide a comprehensive guide to understanding key learning areas and levels and desired outcomes from dementia education across a broad range of education settings.

Education and training providers across Australia offer a variety of accredited and non-accredited dementia education and training programs without a framework to guide what outcomes students should expect to achieve at different educational levels, and what topic areas and themes should be covered to best support and enhance the lives of people living with dementia. As a result, the levels of skill and knowledge in the workforce and community vary greatly.

The Standards Framework will improve the consistency and quality in education and training to ensure that all Australians living with dementia, regardless of care setting and location, receive high-quality, evidence-based support and care that enhances their health and wellbeing.

Development of the Standards Framework is supported by the Royal Commission into Quality and Safety in Aged Care Final Report Recommendations and will integrate with the National Dementia Action Plan to be finalised in 2023.

Approach to development

DTA has undertaken
multi-sector stakeholder engagement within and beyond the health and aged care sectors.

Development of the Standards Framework benefits from an active and engaged Sector Stakeholder Group, Expert Reference Group, and Living Experience Reference Group.

More than 70 Subject Matter Experts from 40 organisations as well as retirees and Living Experience experts have engaged in collaboration on content development for the Standards Framework in 2023. Early development of the Framework was informed by an independent literature review, commissioned by DTA, and completed by The Sax Institute.

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Domains of Learning

Dementia Awareness
and Understanding

Dementia Diagnosis
and Support

Human Rights, Ethics and Supporting Autonomy

Physical Wellbeing

Enabling Environments

Person-Centred Care

Working in Partnerships with

Families and Carers

Aboriginal and Torres Strait

Islander people

Independence and


Emotional Wellbeing and Mental Health

Communication and Connection



End of Life

Tiers of Learning

Tier 1


Provides basic dementia knowledge and information relevant to all people working with or supporting a person living with dementia.

Tier 2


Builds on the Introductory level and provides the knowledge and skills that should be required of all health and aged care staff working (directly or substantial contact) with a person living with dementia and carers.

Tier 3

Enhanced Practice

Building on tier 1 and tier 2, the Enhanced practice tier is aimed at practitioners who wish to develop a deeper knowledge and skill base for working with people living with dementia and their carers and people progressing to become dementia specialist practitioners.

Tier 4

Advanced Practice / Expertise

Building on the previous three tiers, it provides the advanced knowledge and skills for the development of dementia specialist, researchers and thought and practice leaders, which play key leadership roles in the advancement of understanding and evidence, innovation, support, and treatment of people living with dementia and their carers.