Popular topics: Diversity
Learn about particular care considerations for people with dementia from diverse groups and communities.
Browse our courses, modules, resources, articles and events tagged with: Diversity
Indigenous Aged Care Design Guide
Sexualities and Dementia
Online course
Become culturally competent in caring for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans/gender diverse and intersex (LGBTI) people with dementia.Online module
Implementation to Practice
Discover how organisations can become more LGBTI inclusive.Online module
Considerations of Care for Older LGBTI People with Dementia
In this module we highlight some of the considerations of care for older LGBTI people with dementia.Online module
Lived Experiences Past and Present
You will learn about the shared history that older LGBTI people have lived through, as well as well as deepening your appreciation for each individual's own set of unique experiences to consider when addressing their care needs.Online module
Introduction to LGBTI People
This module explores the sexual diversities within the Australian population.Online module
Case Study – Aggressive Behaviour
We consider the nature of aggressive behaviour and how identifying the underlying issues allows interventions to be trialled. Caring for someone from a culturally and linguistically diverse background who is living with dementia is explored through case study.Online module
Case Study – Anxiety and Depression
This module explores the characteristics of depression and anxiety in the context of dementia and the cultural considerations when caring for people with dementia from an Indigenous background.Online course
Explore the ways in which community pharmacies can improve their ability to meet the needs of family carers of people living with dementia.